Step by step Installation & configuration
Patrowl Manager is an agentless open-source vulnerability scanner that helps CIOs/CIOs keep an eye on the vulnerabilities in their infrastructure.
sudo yum install -y yum-utils
sudo yum-config-manager \
–add-repo \
sudo yum-config-manager –enable docker-ce-nightly
sudo yum install docker-ce docker-ce-cli
sudo systemctl start docker
sudo docker run hello-world
sudo curl -L “$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)” -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
docker-compose –version
sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/docker-compose /usr/bin/docker-compose
Patrol Manger
Sudo yum install git
git clone
cd Patrowl Manager
docker-compose build –force-rm
docker-compose up
Disable Firewall If it’s feasible or open the ports
firewall-cmd –zone=public –add-port=8083/tcp –permanent
sudo firewall-cmd –reload
and sign in with default admin credentials : admin/Bonjour1!
Patrol Engines
git clone
cd PatrowlEngines
To enable the configuration file rename .json.samble file to .jason in all engines folder
cp arachni/arachni.json.sample arachni/arachni.json
cp censys/censys.json.sample censys/censys.json
cp certstream/certstream.json.sample certstream/certstream.json
cp cortex/cortex.json.sample cortex/cortex.json
cp eyewitness/eyewitness.json.sample eyewitness/eyewitness.json
cp nessus/nessus.json.sample nessus/nessus.json
cp nmap/nmap.json.sample nmap/nmap.json
cp openvas/openvas.json.sample openvas/openvas.json
cp owl_code/owl_code.json.sample owl_code/owl_code
cp owl_dns/owl_dns.json.sample owl_dns/owl_dns.json
cp owl_leaks/owl_leaks.json.sample owl_leaks/owl_leaks.json
cp owl_request/owl_request.json.sample owl_request/owl_request.json
cp pastebin_monitor/pastebin_monitor.json.sample pastebin_monitor/pastebin_monitor.json
cp ssllabs/ssllabs.json.sample ssllabs/ssllabs.json
cp sslscan/sslscan.json.sample sslscan/sslscan.json
cp urlvoid/urlvoid.json.sample urlvoid/urlvoid.json
cp virustotal/virustotal.json.sample virustotal/virustotal.json
sudo scripts/
sudo scripts/
Disable Firewall If it’s feasible or open the ports of mentioned ports
If you want to open individually Ports are mentioned in output of the command
sudo firewall–cmd –zone=public –permanent –add-port=5001-5021/udp
firewall-cmd –reload
Click on Engines and add scan engine instance
Add a engine the give a name
API URL: http:// Host IP:5001/engines/nmap/
Click on create a new engine
Add all Engines Respectively.
For adding asset or subnet click on Asset then click on add new asset
Give IP or subnet And name
Select type as subnet or ip respectively and create new asset
For adding scan
Click on scan and add new scan
Select asset in search the asset
Then select the engine and policy
Click on Create new scan to create the scan
To run the scan click on scans and scan definition.
Run the created scan