We are looking for experts/sponsors/volunteers to help us with following without any charges since OSI is a Non-Profit Initiative

Opportunities for Experts

Customization of OTRS Community version
Creation of Ticket Template, Creation of Workflows, Integration with OCS, Incident Management, Change Management
Integration of Google Chat & Whatsapp with OTRS

Customisation of Moodle
Integration with OpenBadge, Quiz based course creation, Customized Certificate creation

GUI for VM import and export
GUI for VM Backup

Orange HRMS
Installation & Customisation of Orange HRMS free version on CentOS 7
Integration of Orange HRMS with Google Authentication

Installation and configuration of Jitsi
Customisation of Jitsi
Integration of Jitsi with Google Authentication

Migration of Active Directory to Zentyal
Implementing GPO via Zentyal on Windows, Mac and Linux
Migration of Active Directory DNS & DHCP to Zentyal
Migration of Windows File Server to Zentyal
Installation/Configuration of Network Policy Server on Zentyal

Open-source based Intranet
Installation & Configuration of Intranet
Integration with Google Authentication & Google Apps
Customization for users to store their bookmarks, calendar events
Show organization-wide updates, messages, greetings, stats, policy documents, Important links, Department wise data

Opportunities for Sponsors

  • Provide cloud-based infrastructure for members of Open-Source Initiative to experiment with various solutions and host few production and staging instances
  • Goodies for members of OSI